Denis Law Stats: Comprehensive Data and Analysis | Legal Consultancy

The Legendary Denis Law: A Statistical Analysis

Denis Law, also known as «The King», was a prolific footballer known for his incredible goal-scoring abilities and dynamic playing style. In this blog post, we will delve into the statistical analysis of Denis Law`s career, shedding light on his remarkable achievements and impact on the world of football.

Denis Law`s Overview

Denis Law, born on February 24, 1940, in Aberdeen, Scotland, began his football career at a young age and quickly rose through the ranks to become one of the most revered footballers of his time. He played for several top clubs, including Manchester United, Manchester City, and Torino, and also represented his national team, Scotland, with distinction.

Goal-Scoring Record

Denis Law`s goal-scoring record is nothing short of extraordinary. Take look some standout statistics his career:

Club Goals
Manchester United 237
Manchester City 30
Torino 16
Scotland National Team 30

It`s evident from the above statistics that Denis Law had a phenomenal goal-scoring record across all the teams he represented, cementing his status as one of the greatest strikers of his era.

Accolades and Achievements

In addition his impressive goal-scoring prowess, Denis Law also numerous Accolades and Achievements his career. Some the notable include:

  • Induction into English Football Hall Fame
  • Winner the Ballon d`Or 1964
  • Member the 1968 European Cup-winning Manchester United team

These accolades underscore Law`s impact and influence on the footballing landscape, solidifying his legacy as a true sporting icon.

Legacy Influence

Even decades after his retirement, Denis Law`s influence on the game continues to reverberate. His playing style, work ethic, and dedication to the sport have inspired countless aspiring footballers, and his name is synonymous with excellence and success.

Denis Law`s statistical achievements and impact on the world of football are nothing short of extraordinary. His goal-scoring prowess, accolades, and lasting legacy serve as a testament to his status as one of the all-time greats. As admirers of the beautiful game, we can only marvel at the incredible feats achieved by «The King».


Mysteries Denis Law Stats

Question Answer
1. Can I use Denis Law`s stats for a project without permission? Absolutely not! Denis Law`s stats are protected by copyright law, and using them without permission could result in legal consequences. It`s important to always seek permission before using someone else`s intellectual property.
2. Are Denis Law`s stats considered public domain? No, Denis Law`s stats are not in the public domain. They are considered intellectual property and are protected by copyright law. It`s important to respect the rights of content creators and seek permission before using their work.
3. Can I create derivative works based on Denis Law`s stats? Creating derivative works based on Denis Law`s stats without permission would likely infringe on copyright law. It`s important to respect the original creator`s rights and seek permission before using their work as a basis for your own creations.
4. What are the potential consequences of using Denis Law`s stats without permission? Using Denis Law`s stats without permission could result in legal action, including being sued for copyright infringement. It`s important to always obtain proper authorization before using someone else`s intellectual property to avoid potential legal repercussions.
5. Can I use Denis Law`s stats for commercial purposes? Using Denis Law`s stats for commercial purposes without permission would likely infringe on copyright law. It`s important to respect the rights of content creators and seek proper authorization before using their work for any commercial activities.
6. How can I obtain permission to use Denis Law`s stats? To obtain permission to use Denis Law`s stats, you would need to contact the appropriate rights holder or their authorized representative. It`s important to respect the rights of content creators and follow proper channels to request permission for the use of their work.
7. Are there any exceptions to using Denis Law`s stats without permission? There may be certain exceptions to using Denis Law`s stats without permission, such as fair use for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. However, it`s important to carefully consider whether your specific use case falls within the bounds of fair use before proceeding.
8. Can I use Denis Law`s stats in my own database or website? Using Denis Law`s stats in your own database or website without permission could potentially infringe on copyright law. It`s important to seek proper authorization before incorporating someone else`s intellectual property into your own projects.
9. How long do copyright protections for Denis Law`s stats last? The duration of copyright protections for Denis Law`s stats may vary depending on the specific laws and regulations in place. Generally, copyright protections for intellectual property last for a significant period of time, and it`s important to respect these rights even as they evolve over time.
10. What steps should I take if I believe someone has infringed on my own stats using Denis Law`s stats? If you believe someone has infringed on your own stats using Denis Law`s stats, it`s important to consult with a qualified legal professional to explore your options. Taking swift and appropriate action can help protect your rights and seek resolution for any potential infringements.


Denis Law Stats Contract

This agreement is made and entered into on this __ day of __, 20__, by and between __ (hereinafter referred to as «Company») and __ (hereinafter referred to as «Client»).

1. Scope Work

This contract pertains to the collection, analysis, and presentation of statistical data related to the performance of Denis Law in the field of __. The Company agrees to provide the Client with accurate and reliable statistical information in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.

2. Terms Service

The Company shall commence work upon receipt of a signed copy of this agreement and a non-refundable deposit of __% of the total contract price. The Client agrees to provide all necessary information and access to relevant data for the Company to fulfill its obligations under this contract.

3. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information exchanged in the course of this engagement. The Company shall not disclose any statistical data or findings to third parties without the prior written consent of the Client.

4. Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of __. Any disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

5. Termination

This contract may be terminated by either party with written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Client shall pay the Company for all work completed up to the date of termination.

This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior discussions and agreements. No modification of this agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.